Join Dr. Theresa Latini, Executive Director of Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center, and Rev. Kara Root, pastor of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church, for a weekend of renewing your connections to God, friends, and nature. Explore new prayer practices and spiritual journaling, meditate while walking the labyrinth, enjoy a guided nature hike, get creative with arts & crafts, converse at the patio fireplace, relax in the pool, and enjoy much needed rest.
Registration opens Monday, June 7
A variety of overnight accommodations are available including single, double, and dorm rooms (limit 6 people to a dorm). For double and dorm rooms, you will be able to add the name(s) of your roommates at registration. Get a group of women together and enjoy the connections made during a dorm room stay!
$280 (Single), $205 (Double), $170 (Dorm) | Cost includes two overnight stays, five meals, programming and activities, use of amenities, and tax.
No refunds after 7/2.
You will receive a confirmation email after you register. If you do not receive the confirmation email, or if you are unable to register online, please contact Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center at 952.469.2175.